After I moved out of Lawrence, I realized that my lifestyle needed a change and a big one at that.
I started running, although I would get winded after a quick jog down the block, I had to push myself. I finally went to a gym, still with not very much knowledge of what I was doing, I was determined. I started learning exercises as best that I could. Learning that lifting weights were part of something that I would need to do to lean out my body as well as help with getting me on track.
I had a few set backs though one in particular triggered an emotional eating phase. With lots of emotional drinking as well, it was easier to drink away any pain and find some comfort in food. I had reached a breaking point, I remember that morning I stepped on the scale and the number I saw was the motivation I needed to push through this phase in my life. A week later I decided to get back in the flow of working out by joining a new gym maybe this was the motivation I needed even more. I started getting a routine, work out in the morning, maybe some at night, but it wasn't enough. Working out was only part of it, and I soon realized after I was hitting plateaus of weight and energy losses. I had to work on my diet. Although with the food struggles I had before I knew this was going to be a bigger challenge.
Within the last year I feel like I started coming into the real knowledge of food, diet and exercise. Learning so much about my body's needs for energy and using that energy as a guide for my exercise. I started taking classes at my gym which was a great feeling, meeting people who have the same goals as myself and desires to maintain a healthy life is always so positive. I have my bad days, where I still struggle with food and my desires for certain cravings, it is still a battle within myself and with the choices I know I can make that are unhealthy. I know that my frustrations show sometimes and that only fuels the fire within me.

The change that I wanted in the beginning was more of a physical change but I've realized it has been a mental change as well. With exercise I realized the positive mentality on my mindset and how it made me feel afterward. I still go to the gym on a very regular basis. I love going to the classes, especially one of my favorites, Strike! The diet, a word I don't really like, isn't a diet at all, it is a choice of eating healthy that I strive to keep steady with a few cheats here and there. I'm blessed with a great boyfriend who helps keep my motivation high, even lets me cheat with some Starbucks here and there ;)! I'm thankful for the great friends who instead of persuading me into guilty pleasures and cravings are also there to motivate and keep the positive energy flowing. I know that loving myself is an ultimate goal, realizing that flaws aren't physical imperfections but beauty of being different.
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