Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Being Single isn't the end of the least until I'm 40

I am going to talk about something more important.... I am going to talk about WHY YOU NEED TO BE SINGLE.
Cause it's the first start, to a fresh relationship.....because it starts with yourself. ___________________________________________________
I for one used to think that I "had" to be in a relationship to be happy.... I didn't know why I thought this... it's just that in High School, if you weren't dating someone, you must be a dork, or something was wrong with you. (maybe you smelled bad or sucked at kissing, maybe both.... LOL kidding) But it's not just High school, that makes you feel this way.... it's the entire Mid-West.
For some strange reason, not known to the common Midwesterner... we all forgot what dating was all about, and more so...what being single was all about.
Being single isn't so much a time to spend playing around with your friends at the bars and clubs....or getting with as many of the opposite sex that you can.....
It should be a time used for 2 things..... two very important things I might add.
1) Self Reflection..... you just got out of a relationship.... you might need to find out who "you are again" and what your goals are in this life... and what you want out of it.
2) Goals for your next "love of your life"...... Sure I am making fun of the "love" part...cause we all know that we have thought we were head over heals for the last person.... well maybe not the last person.... but $10 says you have had one in the past. Though... obviously she / he wasn't right for you.... thus the end of the relationship. So why not take this time to set aside some ideas on qualities you would like the next date to posses. If this date doesn't posses them... then move on to the next date that may....
SO here is the deal.... yes I enjoyed being single....

Because I got to find out who I truly am..... I may not have everything in life figured out... but who cares... I'm 20.... I don't have to have it all figured out. I would like to still make some mistakes, and learn as I go. That's how I learn... trial and error...

So how does this apply to being single..........?????????
Well, first off find yourself..... once you do that, you will have a much easier time finding that person that really makes you happy... .that person that makes you all giddy inside... and you can't sit still... like you got ants in your pants. If you jump into a realationship....while your busy finding yourself... she/he may not think you have it all together... or that you are maybe something your not.... Heck you might be soooo in left field on who you are, you might mistake them for someone you THINK you need to be with.
So I suggest NEVER dating a person... and then settling thinking you "won't find that special person" That is BS... their are 7 billion people on the planet (or something like that) and 49 other states in America chances are you can find someone better then that crazy EX you had... that drives you up the wall...

If you have already settled.... end it now..... cause your wasting both of your time. If you aren't feeling the butterflies in your stomach... then you my friend have missed the boat. So you might as well jump out now... swim to shore... and try for the next one.... Trust me that it's worth it.
I know it's easy to say.... Just wait.... be single... it will be worth it. But for those of you that know what I am talking about.....we can all go back stage and high five each other.
A relationship is supposed to be fun.
Sure it takes work... though it's not a JOB

It should be this simple... and it can be.
You like her
She likes you
You treat her with respect
She treats you with respect
You have fun with each other....
Things progress.
It should not be like hop scotch, where you take 3 steps forward... and 2 steps back...hoping to reach the end of the mat.
So moral of the story.... use your single time wisely....and wait for the butterflies.

"It should be like that thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time." - Never Been Kissed


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