Thursday, May 5, 2011

Long time coming

It has been forever since I have done some while at work today I'm going to be doing some in and out blogging....*WARNING now it's free off the top of my head thoughts that may just not make sense at all! LOL*

As I sit back and think of everything that has happened within these last few years of my life all I can say is I'm blessed. I may not have the most money, the best car, the designer clothes...but I have life and that is all that matters. At the break of the day I'm thankful the man above for giving me the air in my lungs and the ground beneath my feet to run on and make a future with.

This past week so much happened, there was so much excitement filled with best friend got married, and it was a blast! As the personal attendant it was my ultimate job to take care of the bride! Which if any of you knew me you know how much I love taking care of people :) After all the wedding festivities (and three days of drinking) I survived and the wedding was gorgeous! I did realize that some people will never change. People make mistakes, some people learn from them, own the fact that they made them and move on. However there will always be the people who deny the fact of anything...Sad, but living in denial will get you no place. What is the saying...Denile is not just a river in Egypt.

I've made mistakes, big ones, and there is no living without regret, because regardless of it is buying the biggest cheeseburger and eating the whole thing with a big greasey basket of fries to something huge, we all regret the mistakes we feel we have made. I have made some whoppers of mistakes for sure. I can't take them back but I'm sure working on learning from them. Growing up is never fun, but the ride that we get to take on this long path certainly is.

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