Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maybe it does matter...

"30 years from now, it won't matter what jeans you wore, how popular you were, what your hair looked like, or what sneakers you wore. What will matter is what you made of your education, and where it took you in life."

Surprisingly as much as it seems that we are just trying to front that the comments and the way you look wouldn't matter to everyone, we do let the little things phase us. It was recently brought to my attnetion that a skirt I wear may be a little too shirt, that the high heels that I walk around in are a little to high and the "cat-eye" like make up that I do is a little disturbing. I never thought that it would phase me as much as it did. Honestly I wanted to wear my shortest skirt and do my make up even better than the last time, and the heels well I'm short and they can get over the fact that I look good. As Erin Brokivich says, "As long as I have 2 asses instead of one, I'll wear whatever I want to" These women, mid 30 and 40 year old females, have decided that making a mockery is what they will do at their weekend jewelry parties. Pretty sad that you have nothing to do but sit around and talk about someone you feel threatened by. I will never understand but for now...F off I will wear what I look good in, and for now that is probably everything you can't wear!